Masuk Daftar

gaji buta bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "gaji buta"
  • gaji:    salaries; salary; stipend; wage; wages; earnings;
  • buta:    blind; blind of one eye; sightless; unsighted;
  • gaji:    salaries; salary; stipend; wage; wages; earnings; pay cheque; pay cheque, pay check; pay; income; emolument; compensation; gross pay; payment; fee; remuneration; pittance payment
  • buta:    blind; blind of one eye; sightless; unsighted; cecity; forgetful; blank; sightlessness; unknowledgeable; blindness
  • amplop gaji:    pay envelope; pay packet
  • biaya gaji:    salaries expenses; salary expense
  • cek gaji:    paycheck
  • daftar gaji:    payroll; payroll register
  • gaji awal:    starting salary
  • gaji bersih:    net salary; take-home; take-home pay
  • gaji bulanan:    monthly pay
  • gaji cuti:    paid time off
  • gaji harian:    daily pay
  • gaji kotor:    gross salary
  • gaji minimum:    minimum wage
  • Since I can't just live off of brunches.
    Aku tak bisa hanya makan gaji buta.